Google AdSense is ‘THE’ advertising tool for monetizing your blog be it Blogger, WordPress or any other Blogging platform.

What Is Google AdSense and How Does It Work?

AdSense is an online advertising program launched by Google back in 2003.
Initially there were some doubts about the platform, and in 2004 poor results and complaints forced Google to allow advertisers to opt out of the AdSense network.
But that’s where the trouble ended.
And in the years since, it has become the go-to advertising platform for bloggers and website owners looking to monetize their websites.

How Does AdSense Work?

Here’s the simplified version:
You start by creating a Google AdSense account, selecting the type of ads you want to show on your site, and then pasting the HTML code where you’d like the ads to be shown.
Google does the rest, and automatically shows ads that are deemed relevant to the content of your website or blog.
From this point on, visitors to your website will see ads, and every time someone takes action (click, conversion, etc) you get a cut of the advertising revenue.

Straight From AdSense’s Mouth

I don’t think we could explain it any better than this:
The cycle of a google Adsense ad
*For more information on inserting ads into WordPress or any other platform try making findings on Google Search. Thanks